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Naruto: Solitude
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Ai Ichigo Icon_minitime1Sun May 30, 2010 11:31 am by Emanyeru Ai Kouseitan'i

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Ai Ichigo Icon_minitime1Tue May 04, 2010 1:46 pm by Sasuke Uchiha

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Ai Ichigo Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:13 pm by Tsubaki Itou

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Ai Ichigo Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:28 pm by Emanyeru Ai Kouseitan'i

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Ai Ichigo Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:03 am by Emanyeru Ai Kouseitan'i

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Ayane Kazenoru
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Ai Ichigo I_vote_lcapAi Ichigo I_voting_barAi Ichigo I_vote_rcap 
Sakura Haruno
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 Ai Ichigo

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Ai Ichigo
Level 6
Ai Ichigo

Posts : 187
Join date : 2009-12-03
Age : 30
Location : wandering i gues

Rank: Genin

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PostSubject: Ai Ichigo   Ai Ichigo Icon_minitime1Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:52 pm

The Character

Name: Ai Ichigo

Nickname: kitsune

Age: 14

Gender: male

Personality: Ai tends to think that everything in the world can be solved without war. He spends most of his time alone because that was how he could always think. Most of the time when he's not trying to protect people( make a fool of himself) he's at a Ramon shop eating or studying. He will speak is mind even if it hurts the person's feelings.

Annoyances: people abusing animals, people who bully others, and people smoking

Fears: being alone, losing friends

Family: his mother is dead

Back Ground: Ai never knew who is birth father was because, his mother had raised him most of his life. Most of the time he lived in the forest or worked in the local Ramon shop so that way his mother didn't have to work so hard. Once he turned 13 his mother gave him her treasured chain before she got sick. He went to the ninja academy and became a genin. At the academy he meet a girl named hagumi so in the end he started to have a crush on. When he passed the class and started to become a genin his mother passed away. At her grave he made a promise that he would become a great ninja since, that was his and his mother's dream for him.

The Appearence

Height: 5 foot 6

Weight: 100 pounds

Basic Appearance: avarter

Clothing: he wears a black jacket that he keeps open revealing a white shirt. His pants are black also just like his shoes. He sometimes wears his mothers necklace that she gave him when he was seven.

The Shinobi

Village: Leaf

Rank: Genin

Squad: Are you in a squad? Or are you the leader of a squad? If not, just put none.

Affiliation: leaf

Weapons: Ai carries about a chain which he uses as his primary weapon. He has paper bombs with he keeps with his kunais.

Strengths: ninjustu

Weaknesses: taijustu

Stats:Sannin get 200, Kage's get 150, ANBU//Ex-ANBU get 110, S-Rank get 100, Special Jounin/Jounin get 80, Chunin get 60, Genin get 40.
Affiliations add to your ranks.
Affiliations/Organizations (Not your village)+30
S-Rank Criminal+30
Leaders/Officers of ANBU+30

Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Chakra Pool: 20
Intellect: 2
ninjutsu: 10
Taijutsu: 2
Genjutsu: 4

Known jutsu: Special-Jounin get 8, Chunin get 6, Genin get 4. Civilians get 1.
To earn more jutsu, you must learn them thorugh posts and after succeeding your learning, put them up on the jutsu creation, wait for them to be approved, and then add them.


1. Name: water style: water clone justu
Rank: d
Element: water
Description: Ai makes a clone of himself out of water

Name chakra leech
rank d
element chakra
description Ai has to strike his opponents once somewhere on their body. The chakra in their body leaks out and flows inside his body.

Name water style: ice pillar
rank d
element water
description Ai blast a pillar of ice at his opponents from his palm. Since he didn't master the justu well its a 50-50 chance of even hitting anyone.

Bloodline: You from a clan with a bloodline? Explain your bloodline or just give the name of it. NO UCHIHAS OR IMPLANTED SHARINGAN! Nothing related to the Sharingan what so ever!

Element: water
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Sasuke Uchiha
Level 5
Sasuke Uchiha

Posts : 154
Join date : 2009-11-15
Age : 30

Rank: Genin

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PostSubject: Re: Ai Ichigo   Ai Ichigo Icon_minitime1Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:54 pm

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